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Attention Photographers!

Become a Contributor!

Do you want to Earn big bucks from your photos?

Become a contributor for Photo Open Stock (POS).

We offer photographers commissions and profits that are unparalleled in the business.
If you are a photographer who can offer high quality photos, then POS is the best partner you could ask for. Become a contributor of our community; we are committed to make your photos work for you. POS is the ideal platform for budding photographers as well as established professionals.

Why Photo Open Stock?

What We Offer:

Our hybrid model “free/paid” downloads may sound a little quirky at fist but it is the result of exhaustive market research and experience with our other sites in the industry (check our list of sites on Open Stock Network). We offer the users/buyers of our community the chance to download photos for free, but in a smallest resolution. This seemingly daring move allows your work to get exposed and appreciated by more new audiences. And the buyers are bound by the terms of our license to provide a link back to your profile on POS whenever they use the image. This keeps directing new traffic to your profile and your work. We also provide a link to your personal/professional page in your profile, which will help drive traffic and do wonders for your Search engine optimization (SEO). As more and more people browse your collections, the demand for your photos keeps increasing.
And we sit back, satisfied in the knowledge of having helped yet another photographer realize their dream of earning from their creative work.

Who can Join?

The membership of our community is open to anyone who can channel their creativity and contribute high quality photos. From amateur photographer to veteran professionals, our doors are open to everyone. However, we will require a good level for quality of your work, so we wait for your best work. All you need to do is register on our site as a contributor and start uploading your photos. We will take it from there.

How to Join?

Joining Photo Open Stock is Free, Fast and Easy.
All you need to do is to go to Sign up on the top right of our home page, click, and fill in your details. And that’s it!
Not in the mood to fill out the details? No problem! You can use your Facebook or Google account to register on POS.
After your registration, just click on the share link placed on the main menu and you're done.
You have now become a valuable member of our community.


We offer our contributors the best commission rates in the business. Our contributors are categorized into 3 distinct levels and their commissions vary accordingly. The table below describes the levels and the corresponding commissions offered.
Sold Pic
0 50 150
% Earnings
55 60 70
Photo Approval moderated moderated auto approve


We use Paypal to pay our contributors. You can withdraw your earnings whenever you want, as long as you have at least 50 USD in your balance.

So hurry! Join our community as a contributor and start earning from your photos.